Feng Xiang (Liqidambar formosans Hance Resina)


Feng Xiang (Liqidambar formosans Hance Resina)

from $18.00

Distilled resin of Liquidambar formosana Hance
Chinese Sweetgum

The resinous aroma of Feng Xiang essential oil is strong. Its sharp effervescent overtone first hits the nose followed by sweet fruity, and floral notes that linger. Its effect is deeply relaxing.

Medicinally, this aromatic resin is used for wound healing and may be applied directly on open wounds because of its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial nature. It is also traditionally used in the treatment of bleeding boils, carbuncles, toothache, and tuberculosis. It promotes blood circulation and relieves pain.

Liquidambar formosana grows mostly in woodlands of the warm temperate zones of Southern China. The trees are rare in cultivation but in their native regions the wood is used for making tea chests and the leaves to feed silkworms. The resin is used medicinally. The resin of our Feng Xiang essential oil originates with trees in Guangxi Province.

Feng Xiang’s most abundant chemical component, the sesquiterpene, Beta-caryophyllene has potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It is known to help relieve stress, anxiety and pain, elevate mood, reduce cholesterol, prevent Osteoporosis, and treat seizures.

Note: Base

CM Category: Invigorating Blood

Channels entered: Heart, Liver, Lung

Major Chemical Components: Caryophyllene >3%, pinene, canmphehe, copaene, cubebene, limonene, cadinen

15ml bottles of essential oils are offered at a 15% discount for licensed professionals only, as found in the “select size” dropdown - see FAQ for information on how to access professional discounts.

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