QING JING Sanitizing Spray


QING JING Sanitizing Spray



“Sane-itize” and sanitize with the added psycho emotional benefits of aromatic essential oils. Fear and panic can weaken the immune system. Protecting and cleansing are practical and important these days, but keeping calm and positive while doing so is of great benefit and equally important.


  • Citrus Fruit and Peel - Zhi Ke/Bitter Orange/Citrus aurantium, and Qing Pi/Mandarin Orange Peel/Citri reticulatae - Citrus essential oils have broad spectrum anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties largely due to their high d-Limonene content. Citrus aromas are elevating and uplifting, inspiring one to step above.

  • Cedar Wood Nan Mu / Southern Chinese Cedar Wood -  In Chinese medicine, conifers like Cedar impact the Lungs and break up mucus and phlegm. The monoterpene content of Cedar Wood essential oil serves as a strong antiseptic while  sesquiterpenes make it anti viral as well as gentle and beneficial to the skin. Like other evergreens, Cedar’s aroma instills a sense of quietude and this Cedar in particular is calming, grounding, and protective.

  • Sweet Wormwood / Artmisiae annuae / Qing Hao - Research into the prominent artemisinin content of Artemisiae annuae led to the 1915 Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to Dr Yuyou Tu for the discovery of a ground breaking anti malaria drug. This essential oil has anti viral properties and potentiates the clearing energy of the blend. 

  • Organic Everclear - 190 proof which equates to 95% alcohol

  • Organic Aloe Vera Gel - Healing and moisturizing for the skin

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