Zhi Ke (Citri aurantium)

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Zhi Ke (Citri aurantium)

from $26.00

Aurantii Fructus, Citrus aurantium, Bitter orange

The aroma of our Zhi Ke essential oil is reminiscent of a freshly peeled, sweet tangerine with bright, pleasantly tart notes. As soon as one inhales, it brightens the mood, and opens the breath and appetite.

Zhi Ke activates the circulation of the Qi to relieve feelings of distention and pressure in the abdomen, moves accumulation in the intestines and helps to expand the chest to relieve congestion. One of its major chemical constituents, Limonene, found in citrus oils, neutralizes gastric acid, heartburn, GERD and supports normal peristalsis.

As a fruit which includes its peel, it has an energetic affinity to the skin and is helpful added to Blends to treat various skin conditions. For itching, it can be combined with Jing Jie (Scizonepeta), adding Dang Gui if there is Blood deficient wind, or Lian Qiao if there is Heat.

Note: Top

TCM Category: Regulating Qi

Channels Entered: Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine

Major Chemical Components: Monoterpenes: limonene, terpinene, pinene, ocimene. Ester: myrcenyl acetate. Monoterpene aldehyde: citral. Monoterpene alcohol: linalool. Coumarin.

15ml bottles of essential oils are offered at a 15% discount for licensed professionals only, as found in the “select size” dropdown - see FAQ for information on how to access professional discounts.

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