Zhi Zi (Gardeniae Fructus)

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Zhi Zi (Gardeniae Fructus)

from $12.00

CO2 extracted Gardeniae Fructus
(Gardenia Fruit, Shan Zhi Zi)

The aroma of our CO2 extracted Zhi Zi essential is rich and herbaceous with a piercing bitter edge. Its effect is cooling, clarifying, and calming. It’s energy vibrates at the top of the head and expands into the eyes.

Gardenia fruit essential oil’s vibrant red-orange color illustrates its affinity with the Fire element; the heart, blood and consequently its effect on the emotions. This explains its main function to relieve irritability, restlessness, and short temper by sedating fire.

Zhi Zi enters the Triple burner, Heart, Lung, Liver and Stomach channels and so has a wide reaching effect. Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica) describes Zhi Zi as bitter and cold and says that, “It treats evil in the five internals” (i.e., five viscera).

For depression with irritability consider combining Zhi Zi with Xiang Fu (Rz. Cyperi) and Chuan Xiong (Rx. Ligusticum walllichii).

To drain damp heat from the middle burner, Liver and Gall Bladder, and for jaundice, practitioners may consider combining Zhi Zi with Yin Chen Hao

To quell Stomach fire with hyper acidity Zhi Zi with Xiao Hui Xiang (Fennel) may be of help.

A blend of Zhi Zi with Ce Bai Ye (Platycladus orientalis) and Wu Wei Zi (R. Schizandrae) may be a useful aid for bleeding caused by heat.

A Chinese folk remedy for injuries with pain, swelling and bruising uses Zhi Zi with rice wine vinegar and egg white as a poultice.

Some of Gardenia Fructus’ known pharmacological effects include: decreasing secretion of gastric acid and increasing the pH in the stomach, stimulating the production of bile. It has been shown to be analgesic, anti hypertensive, antibiotic, and hepatic protective.

Note: Top, Middle

TCM Category: Clearing Heat and Purging Fire

Channels Entered: Triple Burner, Heart, Lung, Liver and Stomach

Major Chemical Components: Monoterpinoids: gardenamide [39], jasminoside. Irodoid glycoside: geniposide. Fatty acids: linoleic acid, squalene, palmitic acid, nhexadecanoic acid myristic acid, caproic acid. Phenols. Aldehydes. Esters. Alcohols.

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