Zi Su Zi - Carrier Oil


Zi Su Zi - Carrier Oil


Botanical name: Fructus Perillae, Common name: Perilla Seed
Cold expeller pressed

Zi Su Zi is an excellent carrier oil for essential oils and Blends to benefits the Lung and respiratory system. As a medicinal herb, Its function in Chinese medicine is to stop coughing and wheezing by dissolving phlegm and directing the Lung Qi down ward. It is widely used in traditional herbal formulas for asthmatic and cough conditions of various types.

Perilla Seed is moistening and lubricates the intestines and may be useful in blends for dryness and constipation.

The aroma of Zi Su Zi cold pressed oil is subtle and slightly nutty.

As an example, in the case of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest discomfort due to cold phlegm obstructing the lungs, practitioners may consider diluting a blend of Hou Po (Cortex Magnolia officinalis), Eucalyptus Globulus Zhi Ke (Fructus aurantium) and White Pine or Gui Zhi/Gui Ye (Cinnamon twig and leaf) and a small percentage of Xing Ren (Semen Armenicae). This can be applied as a warm compress over the chest and diffused for inhalation.

110 ml - $15

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